Friday 6 June 2008

Understanding and application of Windows XP command line utility in real life (?)

4. time
date command ????? ????? ??????????? (?) ?????????????????
1) >time /t
2) time new_time
3) time

1) ??? command prompt ? system time ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? command ?????????? (???-??)
2) ??? system time ??? ????????????????? ??????????? command ?????????? ?????? time ??? command ????? ??????? new_time ????????? ???????????????????? ?????? ??????? hh:mm:ss format ????????? ????????????????????????? (e.g. >time 06:14:15) (???-??)
3) ????????? method ??? system time ??? ?????????????????????? ??????????? ??????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????? hh:mm:ss format ????? ???????????????? ?????????? ?????????? enter ?????? ???????????????????? (???-??? ???-??)
5. exit
command line utility ????????? ???????????? ( cmd.exe ??????????????????)

6. dir
directory (folder) ?????? subdirectory ????? ??????????????? ???????? ????????? files list ???????????????????? ???????????? ???? command ?????????????????? disk ?????? volume label ????? serial number ??????? ????????????????? ???????? files ????? directories ????? list ??????? ????????? update ?????????? ?????? ????? ?????????????????????????????? ???????? file and folder ????? ?????????? ???????? ????????? size ????????? ???? disk ? free space ??????? ?????????????????
>dir *.*
>dir *.txt
>dir *.exe
>dir file.txt
>dir file1.*
Note: * ??? (all) ????????? ??????? ????? file name ? format ??? " Filename.Extension " ???????? ( e.g. autoexec.bat,, video.mpeg, install.exe, picture1.jpg e.t.c)? dot (.) ? ????????? (*) ???????? filename ???????????????? dot (.) ? ????????????? * ?????? extension ??????????? ( file type ???????????) ?????????????? *.* ????????? all files ( file name ???????? file type ???????) ?????????????? *.txt ??????? txt files ??????????? ( extension txt ???????????? file ????????? ?????????? *.exe ???????? exe files ??????????? ( extension exe ???????????? file ??????? )?? ?????????? file1.* ??????? file name file1 ?????? file types ??????????? ( e.g., file1.exe, file1.jpg, file1.dat, file1.doc,.....)? ????? file name ??? ??????? ????????????? ????????????? file*.*, file*.exe ??????????? ???????????? ????? ??????? ????? *file.* ??? ????????????????? ????? ??????????? ???????? * ???? ? ???????????????? (e.g. file?.exe , ?file.exe .)
Parameters ?????????? (dir command ?????) ?????????????
dir [Drive:][Path][FileName] [...] [/p] [/q] [/w] [/d] [/a[[:]attributes]][/o[[:]SortOrder]] [/t[[:]TimeField]] [/s] [/b] [/l] [/n] [/x] [/c] [/4]
Parfveter ????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????
[Drive:][Path] ???? List ?????????????????? directory ? location ?????????? ???????????????? e.g. C:\Windows , D:\Video\Myanmar Video...) ???? parameter ??? ???????????????????? ??????? ????????? current directory (?????? ???????) ????????? files ????? directory ????????? list ?????????????????? (???-??)

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